The Group is always seeking opportunities to continue to improve the condition of the Reserve and increase appreciation of the bushland by visitors and local residents.
The current objectives of the Group are:
– Ongoing maintenance, monitoring and weeding of the Reserve. Although the core of the Reserve has few weeds, there is continual propagation via various sources and the Reserve edges, tracks and asset protection zones require ongoing maintenance.
– Monitoring of the integrity of the Reserve boundaries.
– Conversion of the weedy Reserve edges, tracks and slashed asset protection zone areas on the southern and western sides of the Reserve to native grasses/groundlayer species. This is a long-term project, but considerable progress has been made in the north-western corner, assisted by the closure of the vehicle access track/turning circle.
– Establishment of an interpretive walking loop track from the Brentwood Avenue entrance, with illustrated botanical signs.
– Improvement to the surface of the main track across the southern side of the Reserve from Brentwood Avenue to Cleopatra Street to improve access for all visitors.
– Improvement to the drainage into the Reserve from Brentwood Avenue.